Easy Microwave Popcorn Snack

When it’s snack time at our house, all ages ask for popcorn! It is low in calories, tastes great, and a fresh batch is easy to serve in individual bowls or containers. No wonder it’s a favorite.
When my three kids were young, I popped it using the traditional method: on the stove in a big pot with kernels swimming in a glob of oil. It worked, but there was always a greasy stove, pan and lid to clean up. Nowadays, I don’t have an air popper, nor do I buy the store-bought butter-laden microwave bags with too much salt for my taste.
Instead, my new strategy uses the microwave, but I pop good-quality popcorn in a bowl instead of a bag. I can have 5 cups in just about five minutes. Yes, this homemade easy recipe is my go-to and the best! A dab of oil, quality kernels, no fuss.
It’s easy, healthy and perfect every time. Just add personal toppings when it’s done for more popcorn pizzazz.
Makes 5 cups
1/4 cup fresh popcorn kernels
1/2 teaspoon canola or vegetable oil
In a microwave-safe glass bowl that’s 6 cups or larger in size, kids can measure and stir the popcorn kernels with the oil.
Cover the bowl with a microwave-safe plate, and microwave on high for about 4-6 minutes (microwaves and popcorn vary), or until there are only three seconds between the pops.
An adult should carefully remove the bowl and top plate with oven mitts, as it will be VERY hot. Pour popcorn into individual serving bowls or containers, season to taste and enjoy!
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